10 Effective Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Contracting Business

July 11, 2022

How traffic defines the success of your construction business

It is 2022, every business needs to have a strong online presence, whether you are a big time multi-million dollar contractor, or just starting out in the trades as a one-man show. To get to the point, a strong online presence is needed to grow, and to even maintain your business. It could be a website or a social media account to allow people to gain insight about your brand and business, to gain their trust and eventually become their constant. For this reason, website traffic needs to be a goal that every contracting and construction business thrives to obtain.  

The first step to improving website traffic is to create a website with an eye-catching design that visitors can navigate through seamlessly. If you do not have a website, you need to consider building one immediately.Contact us at Craft & Trades for a free website consultation. If you already have a website, you now need to look at the finer details and what you want to accomplish from your website, which for most is traffic and conversions. There are many ways to go about this, and it’s all in the details.  

You might have a beautiful site, but if customers can't find it, it'll be of no use to you.We'll share, in this post, some expert knowledge with you to help your construction business website get visible and increase your online engagement.

Why you need to get website traffic to drive more business

You might think website traffic might not be necessary, especially if you own a construction business, don’t be fooled and stuck in this old way of thinking because, it is. And the online presence of business is growing more and more important at time passes and technology advances.

A good web design, and digital marketing strategy should be incorporated into your business and taken just as serious as the work you do in the field. The reason being, the business world has evolved over the years, and things aren't the same as they were 10 to 20 years ago.

With this in mind, having a website and building healthy website traffic is paramount to your company’s success, or maintaining what you have already built. Creating a professional, well-designed website gives your brand high visibility, and makes it simple for prospects to interact with, but only if the layout and design is done right.  

...The online presence of business is growing more and more important at time passes and technology advances.

When potential clients visit a great looking, flawless functioning website, this is what turns visitors quickly into customers. And this applies for prospects in the commercial and residential space. The look and draw of your website matters inALL circumstances.

 Website traffic is also a very valid indicator of how well your construction business is growing because:

·      It analyzes the success of your marketing.

·      It gathers information about your audience to aid you in the decision-making.

·      It boosts your SEO and your credibility with search engines.

·      It increases your conversions, produces more leads, and attracts more clients.

However, for your construction company to enjoy this, you must drive visitors to your website properly, which means emphasizing driving “quality traffic.” To your website.This is turn make sure your site is being viewed by the people you’d like it to. The following content piece offers tactics that will guide you to boosting your traffic, and in turn, boost your revenue.

What kind of traffic will help your business boom?

If your traffic is growing and yet your conversion rates are dropping, then it’s safe to assume that you are not bringing in the correct traffic, your site doesn’t look professional, or you aren’t creating a strong enough reason for a prospect to contact you.

Quality website traffic will help to raise rankings which will, in turn, attract more visitors.However, we must ensure increased traffic is accompanied by increased engagement. Hence, increasing the number of quality visitors to your website is the objective in terms of traffic. Targeting the people with the highest likelihood of becoming leads and customers would be best.

Now, let's talk about how to drive quality traffic to your website. Many tools and companies drive traffic to your website. However, there is no magical tool to drive free, targeted traffic to your website consistently. Instead, various marketing channels are available that combine to promote traffic. At Craft and Trades, we utilize these tools to help bring in the clientele and prospects you are looking for. Below are some of the baseline tools and strategies we implement.

How to get traffic to your website for free

1. GoogleBusiness

One simple way to drive more traffic to your business is to make sure that your company is featured on google. At Craft and Trades we handle this service of GoogleBusiness Optimization for you. But this is a great way to begin. A comprehensive Google business listing receives seven times as many visits as one that is optimized. Also, your listing contains a link to your website, making this a fantastic way to increase traffic there.

2. SEO

Each page of your website can use various SEO techniques to improve its position in search results and draw in more visitors. These on-pageSEO strategies are free, but they do take time. SEO as well as your websites overall design go hand in hand, a poorly design website will not rank well InSEO, and a great looking website with no SEO will not increase traffic. The SEO and design rabbit hole goes deep, and we’d love to fill you in about it. Contact us today to see how we can increase your companies web presence

3. Online Directories

Getting featured in free online directories and review sites is another strategy to drive more traffic to your website. Many directories, including Google, Angies List, Homewyse and more, have high domain authority on Google. So, there's a potential that the free Angies list page for your company will show up highly for pertinent searches.

4. Backlinks

A backlink is a link from another website to yours. Backlinks from related companies or influential people in your field will increase your company's visibility and drive targeted traffic to your website. Backlinks can be complicated as the relevance of these backlinks are what matters most. Craft & Trades builds out a backlink profile to help define what you want to achieve.

5. Social Media

Social media is the cheapest way to drive traffic to a website, and it is also a great way to build a following around your company in your local community.

Other free ways to generate traffic for your website through social media include: correct use of hashtags, landingpages, prioritizing long-tail keywords over short-tail keywords, Email marketing, and blogging.

Navigating the social media marketing world can be difficult. Let us see if social media marketing will work for your business and strategy. Get in touch today to set up your free company consultation ($397 Value)

How to get traffic to your website using paid strategies

6. Google Ads

With GoogleAds, you can pay to have a specific landing page from your website appear at the top of search results. First and foremost, on the results pages are paid search results. This kind of publicity is a terrific method to attract more qualified visitors to your website. Additionally, you only pay when a user clicks on your advertisement and won’t be charged for impressions (ie: how many times your ad is shown on google doesn’t count or charge you)

7. GoogleMaps

Additionally, you can choose preferences through the Google Ads platform to have your company appear first in Google Maps search results. Of course, your listing is a paid result that will be noted next to it, just like conventional paid search advertisements, but the exposure you gain by being first is priceless.

8. SocialMedia Ads

In contrast to search advertising, which charges a fee to appear at the top of relevant searches, social media advertising charges a fee to appear in relevant feeds. Of course, you can choose the kind of audience you want to appear in front of with both forms of advertising. Still, social media enables excellent targeting due to the availability of more psychographic data.

9. Display Advertising

Display adverts are branded banner adverts placed on relevant websites. This advertisement will likely bring relevant traffic to your website if it appears on a page regarding your services.

10. Ad Retargeting

Retargeting advertisements might be seen in social media feeds or on websites. They are displayed to visitors who have already been to your website, making them more likely to return.

How to drive leads to your website the right way

A shortcut path to generate website traffic could lead to your website being banned. Some companies participate in grey area and black hat tactics that can have negative effects on your website performance, ranking and credibility.  

While trying to improve your traffic, keep clear of website traffic generators that promise an instant result. They might affect your rankings which would affect your website visibility. At Craft & Trades, we do things the right way. So, when it comes to your business and marketing, we build a solid plan to help get you where you want to go.

Final thoughts

Boosting website traffic takes time, but the quality of the traffic you drive will reflect the amount of work you put in. To be truthful, it isn’t an overnight process (and if anyone tells you otherwise, they are full of it.) But the reward for taking your websites traffic and functionality serious, is well worth the time and effort.

We have had clients get $10,000+ jobs once their SEO and optimization was complete, and we have helped connect general contractors to clients and vendors through our work.This in turn creating huge money opportunities for both parties, and we continue to help contractors with these traffic and digital marketing efforts..

In addition, we've taken care of the difficult part—figuring out what to do—for you. By employing the above mentioned methods, many businesses in the construction industry have attracted the ideal people to their websites and also made them become loyal clients today.

There’s no time to begin this process like today. Get in touch now and we will set up your free consultation ($397 Value)

References & Links:
The Importance of Website Traffic
Get To Know SEO
Landing Page Best Practices
6 Ways Blogging can Benefit your Business
How to Advertise on Google & Grow Your Business
What is Social Media Advertising?
Top 10 Construction Websites By Traffic (And How They Did It)

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